Mall Santa did a great job and we sent out a similar picture as our Christmas card 2009.
Na-Na was jealous of Jack's wheels so she rent this scooter at the mall in an effort to be more like Jack. No, really Na-Na had injured her foot, therefore rented this scooter at the mall to make things easier.
A poopy diaper/outfit change later. Na-na learned the scooter wasn't all it was cracked up to be and was doing her shopping on her injured foot, while Grandpa Jay and Jack enjoyed.
It was 2009 and we attended the volunteer Christmas party at the non-profit where I had recently began to volunteer. My in-laws volunteer there too.
Fast forward to 2010, my neighborhood had its annual Christmas party. I dragged the new transplant to Washington, DC, Jess, to attend the suburban Virginia event.

Everything was going great, Jack was in his new Christmas sweater Na-na bought him and I was ready to continue my new Christmas card tradition with a picture of Jack sitting on Santa's lap. We sat and we watched at the children lined up and received their gift from Santa, when the line got short, we joined. Now it was Jack's turn with Santa, he gave me the death grip and refused to let go. I quickly realized my Christmas card picture was not going to happen. I joined Jack by Santa's side and he still did not really enjoy.

For attempt #2 my Camera was hiding in its favorite place (under the couch) so my hopes for a Christmas card picture was a preemptive fail.
But don't worry because my work-now in 2010 as the Executive Director of the small non-profit where in 2009 I had started as a volunteer, was having a Christmas party.
Last year we just had a volunteer Christmas party, where the volunteers pot lucked and had a small get together.
This year I reinstated the client Christmas party! We invited our clients and their families to have cookies with Santa and hand out presents to each child.
God really provided for us in 2010. He blessed with me with wonderful volunteers who keep the non-profit running now for almost 40 years. In a combination of being somewhat ancient and a miracle, we had three old-school poloroid cameras. Perfect to provide a family picture with Santa to our clients and their families. The catch was they no longer made the old school polariod film. What was I to do, we were on a budget, and I couldn't go out an buy the new version of the polaroid camera. I came up with several solutions less then ideal. About a week before the party when I had a volunteer group come in to decorate, I pulled out the box of Christmas decorations and discovered six rolls of old school polariod film! I quickly calculated that if each family got one pictures that we should have enough film, in my eyes a miracle! We even got a family picture of Me, Gabe, Jack and Santa. The old school polariod sits on my desk, reminding me how blessed I am.
Jack got to spend a lot of time with Santa that night, being that his mom was running the party, but again he never quite warmed up.
Santa round 3.
Christmas 2010 was a miracle because all 20 members of my Dad's family got together for probably the first time in 10 years. We had several young cousins running around, who some are closer in age to Jack (their first cousin once removed) then to me. The week was filled with lots of fun, life long memories and a lot of working hours for Gabe. On Christmas eve he was finally able to join us. He joined us in style, Santa Claus style. While making sugar cookies at my moms house in came Santa, filling the house with giggles.
Did they believe? The youngest first cousin, Jason, told me, "Now that was really Santa, or it was one of Santa's elves dressed as Santa, or it was Gabe, but I'm pretty sure it was really Santa!"
The littlest one of all, Jack, really believed, he was terrified of Santa.
Santa sent me a present early this year. When I really need a new spanish speaking volunteer on Mondays, Santa sent me his friend. Long story short as I got to know the volunteer, she asked me if I knew the real Santa, because she knew him. The only real Santa I know is from my childhood. When the older neighborhood girl down the street told me that the Santa's in the mall were really Santa'a elves dressed up as Santa because of course Santa couldn't be everywhere at once, I totally believed her. Did I ever mention that I was voted most gullible of my high school senior class? In the back of my head when I took Jack to Mall Santa last year, I knew that Mall Santa wasn't the real thing.
Luckily older neighborhood girl didn't squash all of my childhood fantasies. She told me the REAL Santa was at Merrifield Garden Center and we HAD to get our mom take us there to see the REAL Santa if we wanted to get any decent presents.
Talking to her about Santa made me feel like she knew a celebrity. What do you mean you know him? He is Santa...the REAL Santa, the girl down the street told me and I went myself as a kid to visit this magical Santa. He has a name!? He lives right around here!? She told me more about her friend, John Buckreis, and his story of how he became the REAL Santa.
St. Nicholas of the 21st Century, began as an orphan in 1944. At a young age he begin collecting toys from the rich and handing them out to poor. My new friend gave me his book St. Nicholas of the 21st Century by John Buckreis, signed by Santa Claus himself! I got to read the story of the REAL Santa. This year Jack was a little too young to make stand in a long line to see someone he is currently terrified of. Next year we will go. Future years we will go, and I will read the story to Jack when he is ready.
Don't believe me?
Click below to read more about the REAL Santa:
2010 was a blessed year, with its up and downs, I like to think of the ups and get nervous of how could we ever ask for more in 2011.
My Christmas card was a failure, no picture with Santa and going out super late, still need to address the last bunch. This was a learning year, I learned about Santa and I learned so much more about Jack in his first year, my marriage, my job, my family and more.
Today as I rode with Gabe in the car at 11:11 am on 1/1/11, we both made a wishes. Here is to 2011!
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