Last Friday I started my day out by going to work for the morning...
Gabe had the leftovers from last night's dinner ready for me for lunch when I returned, how nice :)
This is what Jack and I got Gabe for Father's day:
We tested it out last Thursday and our results were delicious. (This is what my lunch leftovers consisted of, lucky me!)
Then our basement flooded, I attempted to shop vac out the nasty water only to be distracted by Jack's needs so Gabe finished/did the majority even though he shouldn't be doing any heaving lifting after his recent appendectomy!
Then the basement flooded again...yikes, we have a plumber coming tomorrow.
(The plumbed never came until Monday :( )
So we had to miss Katie Sue's 2nd Birthday party in Richmond :(
Katie Sue is Gabe's cousin's daughter, Jack and her are second cousins. Here are some past picture of the two:
Congrats to the Edds Family, they are expecting their second child in September, it will be fun having the second cousins close in age!
I recently got promoted at work, this week was my first week working almost full time. The basement flooded at work too! Please pray my recent trials with flooding basements ends ASAP!
We are adjusting as a family and extended family to my increased work schedule but thanks to Jack's loving grandparents on both sides plus additional family members we are all having a great time!